Person working on a laptop at a desk, writing in a notebook.

Single vision lenses

Say goodbye to blurriness!

Squinting is the first sign that you may need glasses. Near or far get crisp, clear vision for all your daily activities with a single vision lens

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What are single vision lenses?

A single vision lens has one vision correction (near or distance) that covers the entire lens. This differs from progressive lenses that correct for 3 distances in one lens. Single vison lenses are ideal for close-range activities like reading or using the computer, and/or providing sharp focus for distant viewing activities, like watching a movie in a theater.  

Why might I need single vision lenses?

Child with glasses using a tablet on a gray couch with a striped blanket.

Blurry vision

Experiencing blur when viewing objects either near or far or in some cases both

Struggle with up-close tasks

Struggling to see close-up while reading or doing homework

Distance vision

Having difficulty seeing objects far away; like the wipe board or a street sign

Common Issues related to Single Vision 

Single vision lenses from FYidoctors 

FYidoctors has three single vision lenses to choose from; each offers different levels of optical performance depending on your prescription and budget.  

For maximum clarity, FYidoctors introduces the next evolution in lens technology for single visions lenses, called MySV. This cutting edge lens allows you to see clearly across the entire lens providing crystal clear vision wherever you look.

Outdoor patio with wooden table and chairs, wall-mounted plant shelves, and green foliage.

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The FYi Difference

The FYi Difference

Lenses made in Canada

Doctor-recommended lenses for your unique vision needs 

Customized lenses adapted to lifestyle and prescription needs

High quality control for lenses that meet our standards 

Precise digital measurements tailor eyewear to your face, posture and prescription 

Over 350 clinics across Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which lens is right for me?

Are single vision lenses recommended for multiple prescriptions? 

How do I know if I need single vision lenses? 

Can I order a single vision lens online?

Are there single vision contact lenses?