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How to find the allergy relief that’s right for you

Welcome to the first day of spring—otherwise known as the start of allergy season. Indeed, a sure-fire sign that winter is officially over is the sudden (and unwelcome) onset of itchy eyes, runny noses, and increased tear production, all of which are commonly associated with allergic conjunctivitis.

What is allergic conjunctivitis?

Simply put, allergic conjunctivitis is eye inflammation, triggered by an allergic reaction. Symptoms can range from itchy, red eyes to sneezing and asthma, and discomfort usually flares up in response to tree and grass pollen, mold spores, and/or certain foods.

Treatments and prevention of allergic conjunctivitis

For obvious reasons, having allergies is far from fun, but the good news is there are endless medications and treatments on the market that could make your life a lot easier this spring. Mild cases can often be treated with artificial tears and cold compresses, whereas moderate to severe cases definitely warrant pharmaceutical intervention. In fact, a recent study delves into the positive relationship between a pharmacist’s level of engagement with a patient and the patient's subsequent relief from allergic conjunctivitis symptoms. We believe the same concept applies to ophthalmologists, and more broadly, all doctors. So in any event, consulting closely with a medical professional is essential when it comes to finding the right protocol for you.

Many solutions to the same problem

According to the study linked above, the goal of treatment for allergic conjunctivitis is to improve the patient’s quality of life by helping them understand what allergens to avoid, relieving their symptoms, and minimizing inflammation.

Generally speaking, patients with allergic conjunctivitis tend to self-diagnose, and they subsequently treat themselves with over-the-counter medications, without consulting with a healthcare professional at all.

That approach is problematic for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that patients likely will not understand the full extent of their condition, nor how their unique case can best be treated. The study reinforces that patients should be informed about their options, including ophthalmic drops and ointments, as well as other oral medications that are sometimes overlooked.

The central message is this: With the guidance of a healthcare professional, patients are far more likely to select safe and proper products for their specific needs, and successfully relieve their symptoms in a faster, more effective fashion.

Innovative contact lens care

Contact lens care is a big consideration when contemplating how best to treat allergies. Those who wear contact lenses often encounter especially severe symptoms when allergy season arrives, and this is mainly because allergens in the air have a tendency to stick to lenses, thereby exacerbating and extending discomfort.

Fortunately, there’s a new, one-of-a-kind, and highly innovative solution. Introducing: ACUVUE® Theravision® with Ketotifen. It’s a medication-releasing daily contact lens, specifically designed for allergy sufferers.

The lenses are an entirely new way to alleviate your eyes from allergy symptoms. Through a unique and revolutionary technology, the lenses release the antihistamine Ketotifen into a person’s eyes over the course of the day, so they can continue to see clearly—without itchiness—for up to 12 hours.

The product offers comfort (including fast-acting and long-lasting eye itch relief), convenience (so you can continue going glasses-free during allergy season and avoid eye drops), and credibility (since ACUVUE® is the most trusted contact lens brand by eye doctors around the world).

As we said above, determining the best treatment protocol to address your allergies requires consulting closely with a professional. Book an appointment today at your nearest FYidoctors location, and take this allergy season by storm!

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