As we’ve all learned lately, our health is paramount—and eye health is no exception. That’s why having a yearly eye examination is critical, especially for adults over age 65, whose vision is more prone to complications and changes. This Healthy Aging Month, we’re focusing on the importance of regular checkups, especially as we head into the golden years.

There are countless reasons why annual eye exams are essential, as they can help detect—and mitigate —serious health conditions. In fact, eye exams are not only critical for diagnosing eye diseases, but they can also reveal general health issues, too, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

A complete eye exam delves into both the internal and external health of your eyes and is facilitated by a doctor. Unlike a simple vision screening, an eye exam involves a series of complex tests, including an eye muscle movement test; a cover test, which reveals how well your eyes work together; an external exam and pupil reaction test; a visual acuity test; a refraction test to fine-tune the prescription; and a retinal examination, among other important evaluations, depending one one’s individual concerns.

Which conditions can an eye exam help detect?

The main reason why regular eye exams are so important is because they can spot problems at an early stage, when they are the most treatable. In other words, problems that go undetected can develop into more severe conditions, whereas if they are caught early on, they can most likely be treated and, ideally, cured.

There are several glasses or medication. Even with more serious conditions, surgery can often be performed to address concerns. The key, however, is to catch vision changes as early as possible, which is the main reason regular eye exams are so critical, particularly as we get older.

Protection and prevention

Beyond getting regular eye exams, there are other measures you can and should take to protect your eyes as you age, and prevent potential problems from popping up.

It’s important to wear UV light protection, as the sun’s strong rays can damage vision and exacerbate cataracts and other eye conditions. A good pair of sunglasses can mitigate the risk, so always sport shades when you’re in the sun. Studies also suggest that frequent exercise and maintaining a healthy diet can contribute to long-term eye health.

But while these things are all good things to keep in mind, nothing is more important than ensuring you get your eyes checked by a professional on a regular basis. Book a comprehensive eye exam at your local FYidoctors today, and always keep a close eye on your vision health.